Some of my friends and I were recently discussing drones. Some drones in Afghanistan are being flown by pilots in Arizona.
I pointed out a credible authority for computer pilot experience. Mine.
A nephew of mine was showing me his online computer pilot simulator. I had no interest but said that I would be happy to fly a single-engine plane into my regular 'real airport' at San Carlos California.
My nephew handed me the controls and I proceeded to look out the computer screen at a simulation of the landscape I know as a real pilot.
I flew the computer simulation to the landing strip and landed it just as I would my own plane. On the simulator I made a smooth landing, exactly as I would do in real life.
The plane in the computer landed perfectly and gently at the right speed just as a real landing would happen.
I was amazed, frankly. I now appreciate how much a drone can be made to fly from a simulator far removed.