A few days ago I was particularly alarmed because an important event was not covered in the mainstream media. This event, was not on the front pages of any major newspaper except the Wall Street Journal.
A few minutes of grumbling and I began to think. I had to remind myself. I've heard this complaint before.
It is therefore worthwhile remembering that I spent my entire life listening to the Lefties complain that they were never exposed to the public. I'm talking Marxists, Trotskyites, Communists and myriad of Lefties who published dozens of small circulation magazines, pamphlets, newsletters and newspapers.
I realize their complaints were missplaced. People who were interested in reading their material had every opportunity because a person seeking that information could always find a magazine rack that had the Lefty material. The real complaint was that ordinary people were not exposed to this ideological material against their will.
The same applies to me. Material I consider reliable and accurate is widely available on the Internet and talk radio and magazines and newsletters. It is futile and silly to complain that it is not shoved down the throats of ordinary people who are not interested in it.
Complaints from pro-commerce people that the media has a terrible left-wing bias is irrelevant. The messages can always get through if they are interesting and appealing enough to the mainstream audience.