Terrorists and guerrillas have had very little military chance of succeeding over the past 2,000 years.
Over the past 70 or more years they have succeeded not by military means but by winning the relevant population to their political or religious ideology (Cuba, Vietnam, Mao and Kosovo) . They have convinced their opponents, in the larger population and in friendly governments, to give up a military defense that would have been technically successful.
To put this in other words: 'terrorists and guerrillas have learned to use propaganda to win their military battles.'
Once we face this reality we begin to realize that The New York Times is a fifth column pro-terrorist pro-guerrilla tool in the United States. The New York Times helps the United States and its allies lose our wars against terrorists and guerrillas.
What could be more obvious?
The New York Times, for 50 years has trumpeted the propaganda, interests and values of the terrorist Palestinians versus the Israelis. Similarly The NY Times has trumpeted the futility of our anti-Taliban campaigns and our anti-Al Qaeda efforts and our anti-Iraq Ba'athist military actions.
It is the Left in the United States that perpetually supports the fifth column defeatism that all terrorists and all guerrilla anti-Americans are appealing to.
We must come to terms with this tragic reality that the fifth column in our own country, the Left, is the only way the terrorists and guerrillas in the world, the anti-American forces, have a chance of defeating us.