You may know it. We faced a 20 year decline in crime from 1991 until a few years ago. Since then there has been a very rapid rise in murders. In the black community.
Cities like Oakland, Detroit, DC, and New Orleans are facing an incredible increase in the number of homicides. Sometimes doubling each year for the past three years.
Other crimes are rising rapidly as well.
So what is the explanation.
In my opinion it has to do with social thought. Social Thought is the body of knowledge that shows that people are organized around central concepts, ideas and images.
In this case, the black community has finally decided that it is the victim of police brutality and white injustice.
This should not be surprising. Since the early 80's the mainstream Lefty press has been running a basic story that the police and white people are deliberately harassing and killing the black community.
Start by remembering the Tawana Brawley case of a black woman who falsely accused white men, including police, of brutally raping her. It was the case that made Al Sharpton into a black superstar; ultimately, getting him his own TV program.
It turned out of course the charges were false. There has been a 30 year series of such false cases. A 30 year period in which such false accusations have been made against police and white people. The stories have been followed carefully in the press and when the verdict showed that the police or the white person was completely innocent or acted in the line of duty, then the press completely buried the story.
The black community, supported by the current president of United States, has totally supported the false narrative that the police and white people, in general, are trying to kill blacks, particularly in crime related situations. It is therefore not a bit surprising that the black community has gone renegade. Blacks no longer respect the authority of the police and we have an out-of-control black population.
There was already a propensity in this direction. Blacks living in the South already had a much higher crime rate than their neighboring whites. The entire South had a much higher crime rate, for more than a century, than the north.
We should also keep in mind that the entire Lefty false thesis that blacks are unduly incarcerated has added to this idea of victimhood.
Summary: in the past few years we have witnessed an explosion of murder and other violent crimes in black neighborhoods in the United States. It spills over into neighboring white neighborhoods.
I suggest that this is the consequence of nearly 30 years of telling blacks that the police and white people are their enemies in the judicial system.
Blacks are told that they are unfairly incarcerated at five times the rate of whites. The reality is in the data. Blacks commit at least five times the number of crimes as whites. The 'five times' number is an under estimate of the black to white crime ratio.