I find in discussions of international relations some people understand that for the business interests of the United States there must be an international suzerain to maintain order.
Even these people fail to understand the role of such a leader in places like Europe ... among highly developed nations.
I would like to let you know what happened in the Yugoslavian war. Initially, while Bill Clinton was US president, the American policy was to leave the issue of an aggressive Serbia in the hands of the Europeans. Particularly the European nations in NATO.
The results was no action whatsoever. Then Russia was brought into the decision-making bodies intent on restraining Serbia, there remained no action.
One of my friends, was involved in these decision-making bodies.
What he saw was that the Europeans and the Russians were completely unable to agree on anything. Anything.
Finally with the arrival of Americans in the neutral role of leadership it was possible to bring these decision-making bodies to conclusions and actions.
The American role was nothing more than the presence of a powerful nation. This suzerain action is what is constantly needed among dissonant international bodies.