I can make an exception for extreme trauma's.
My friend, Abraham, is a professor at Hebrew University. Head of the Middle Eastern studies department.
He was, because of his Iraqi birth and fluency in Arabic, an important intelligence officer. After leaving the intelligence service he became a major organizer of a left wing peace organization. He was a strong Lefty.
When I met him, he was no longer a Lefty. He no longer supported the naïve left wing peace ideas.
What had change?
He explained why his politics and worldview had changed.
He happened to be standing in the Hebrew University dining hall in 2002 when an explosion from the backpack of a Palestinian went off. Nine students died and 100 were injured. There was a pillar directly between Abraham and the Palestinian bomber.
The quote from Abraham about the reason his Left wing worldview had changed was:" when parts of the brains of my students landed on my shoulder I was forced to change my worldview."
That sort of trauma strikes me as a potential source for adults over 23 to change their world view.