Isn’t it time that the American Society for Nutrition issues a public apology?
Of course I’m kidding. No scientific or even pseudo-scientific body has ever apologized for the stupidity of their membership.
There are three significant cases where nutritionism has been wrong because they didn’t bother doing the simplest of tests.
Parents still talk about their kids being out of control because they ate too much sugar or ice cream. That was a nutritionist fallacy.
It is easy to test sugar levels in the blood. Actual sugar consumption doesn’t raise sugar blood level very rapidly. A piece of cheese will do it faster.
For many decades nutritionists have been telling us to consume multivitamins daily. Now the authoritative CDC has told us that multivitamins are irrelevant most of the time and harmful some of the time.
For decades I have avoided eating egg yolks because we know that egg yolks are primarily cholesterol. There is a blood test for cholesterol and a nutritionist should have connected the eggs to the blood level. Egg yolks do not create human blood cholesterol.
You can see why I think the American Society for Nutrition should be apologizing for their carelessness and scientific sloppiness.