I consider Jew hate a brain disease.
My position is based on an interview I did with Dr. Ronald Siegel and his book the Voices of Paranoia. Siegel is a professor at UCLA and has demonstrated to my satisfaction that paranoia is a physical phenomenon based on emissions from the medulla oblongata in the brain stem.
These emissions, whether liquid or gas, are transformed in the cerebellum or the corpus callosum into paranoia. This mechanism appears to be very ancient, sometimes referred to as the reptilian brain.
I would describe someone who considers the infinitesimal number of Jews, a few hundreths of 1% of the world population, to be the dominant controllers of the world as medically paranoid.
Do you have another term to describe such people? I see no evidence that the world is controlled by anyone, much less by a few hundredths of one percent of the population.
It is on the basis of Dr. Siegel that I call Jew hate a brain disease.
Most Arabs have this brain disease and it is widespread in Europe. There is no evidence that it is passed on by micro-organisms. It seems to be passed on by large cultural forces.