It should be no surprise that mainstream religions these days are much more interested in their Left wing political agenda than in anything to do with Christ or Christianity.
The big mainstream religions, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican and Episcopalian are all into the boycott Jesus movement. I'm not kidding.
These churches are supporting a boycott of Israeli goods made in the area that Israel conquered in the 1967 war. Israelis have been settling by the hundreds of thousands in parts of the conquered territory, particularly the parts that are close to the rest of Israel and have strategic military value.
Need I make my blog point any clearer?
Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was a craftsman of some sort. He made his living building a variety of objects and he travelled a fairly great distance from his home in Nazareth. He sold his wares in many areas based on his various hypothetical teachers.
If his wares were ever sold outside of Nazareth, to any sailors on the Mediterranean or travelers (very likely), modern-day mainstream Christian religions would have advocated boycotting Jesus.
Those religious groups should be required by the laws of anti-deception and anti-fraud from calling themselves Christian. They are advocating boycotting Jesus.