I am a little late in analyzing last week's Wisconsin recall election.
Now we all get the benefit of a little bit of thought which is entirely absent from the paid professional media mavens who are supposed to make intelligent comments.
All of those professionals saw some way to treat this election as exceptional and unexpected. Either the Left blaming the outcome on money, which seldom explains why elections go the way they do and the Right seeing public hostility to unions and grassroots success courtesy of the Tea Party. Everyone considered this process unexpected because Wisconsin is a progressive state that created Robert La Follette Jr. and Sr. and the Progressive Party a century ago, exactly.
All wrong. Wisconsin was and still is a Progressive state. It is important to understand the origins of the Progressive movement. They are the same as the Tea Party. Americans wanted a Democratic government that was not corrupt. The Progressive movement was a series of political reforms intended to eliminate corruption. The most famous and most significant was the introduction of civil service.
A moment's thought will allow you to recognize that the corruption that was eliminated by civil service is exactly the same corruption we have today with government unions having compulsory collective bargaining and compulsory wage garnishment for union membership. Union money goes to bribe legislators to give union members higher wages. Pure corruption.
There we have it. Wisconsin was Progressive and remains Progressive. Fortunately for all of us. They are helping us all realize that the current Democratic Party-union-corruption must be ended and will be ended.