I have one important suspicion. Most people are Lefties because they are not competent at mathematics.
The Lefty president of the United States, Obama, is terrible at math. He has no comprehension of numbers and has demonstrated this failure many times.
The core failure of Lefty ideology is its inability to understand that commerce is a positive sum process not a zero sum. Government is always a zero or negative sum process.
These three concepts (positive, zero and negative sum) are derived from the mathematics of game theory. You can look at this document to see the underlying math.
In any relationship of exchange between two or more people, groups or nations one can look at the total outcome of the exchange and decide if there is more, the same or less total benefit. That is the simple math that the Left is never able to grasp.
A zero sum process is where an apple pie is being divided. Everyone gets a slice of the pie and the total of the slices remains equal to a whole pie. A negative some is what happens in a gambling casino where the house gets a percentage of every bet. The players, in total, never end up with as much money as they brought in.
Positive sum is where the outcome results in a greater total. (The players total take from the casino is more than they brought in.)
Positive sum is what happens in commerce because there are diverse interests in the program. John has a belt to trade because he has too many belts he doesn't want. Bob has more doughnuts than he wants. When John trades his belt for Bob's doughnuts John is happier because he has more satisfaction than he had before the trade and so does Bob. That is a positive sum process.
Commerce is always a positive sum process because it is always voluntary and all participants end up with more after the trade than before.
I can see where lefties are confused by this. If John trades Bob his $10 for Bob's $10 there doesn't seem to be very much happening. Commerce is about John trading his $10 for Bob's €9 and both are better off if they are planning to visit a dollar or a euro country.
It is a little complicated. A trade is always for dissimilar objects. 1-1=0 but A-B=X. I can see that Lefties will not understand why commerce is so desirable and their government solutions are so inadequate.