My source for believing that president Obama is creating anti-black racism comes from a few of my black friends who have been detecting an increase in anti-black racism over the past two years.
It is surprising to me, until I think about. If we had a president who was Jewish and had the qualities that Obama presents I can see that it would increase the level of anti-Jewish sentiment among those who were already anti-Jewish and those who were marginally so.
I believe the same would have been true and quite visible in the Jack Kennedy administration concerning anti-Catholic bias. However he was assassinated before any evidence was available.
I consider the evidence from my black friends as valuable because the black community has been very clear in rejecting outright offensive blacks such as Rev.Sharpton. Rev. Sharpton ran for president and was severely defeated in black communities in South Carolina. He was perceived as a serious embarrassment to blacks.
President Obama has several presentation problems which I understand can possibly encourage anti-black racism. He has promoted racist division in both the Cambridge and Florida white on black arrest cases.
He has encouraged and promoted class warfare. Hatred toward: "millionaires, billionaire, bankers, Wall Street and hedge fund managers". Something Americans find very offensive. He generated the, offensive to blacks, all white Occupy Movement.
President Obama is a divisive president who attacks Republicans aggressively and lies with little hesitation. He has shown no propensity for compromise or conciliation.
He has shown a mean spirit which does not endear him to people who might not like him in the first place. A year ago, in August, he told America's seniors that Congressional delay on raising the debt ceiling "could mean no social security checks". A very mean-spirited lie.
I know of no national surveys that measure anti-black racism, but if there is one I expect to see a significant climb in anti-black racism over the past two years.
This is a sad outcome. It would not have happened if Gen. Powell or Secretary Condi Rice had been our first black president. They are both conciliatory people.