I don't see much candor or honesty about the issue of lesbianism.
I live in the middle of a gay male neighborhood and have a large number of gay friends and a good assortment of wonderful lesbian friends.
You probably recognize the letters LGBT. On the face of it this seems to be a little unfair. The L part of the acronym is lesbian and the G part is gay. The two are not different, there is an overlap because lesbian is linguistically part of gay. The unfair part arises because gay males comprise four or five times the number of Americans as lesbians. This would usually be a reason for putting the G in front of the L.
Because the origin of the acronym dates to a time when efforts were being made to create a coalition and the G part was much stronger politically than the L part, the inversion of letters was a deliberate act of solicitation.
The new museum and historical society on the subject of sexual attractions is the GLBT Museum reflecting the more recent politics.
What I want to bring up is the current internal social situation. Gay men generally are promiscuous when they are young. In the early stages of settling down as a couple they frequently remain sexually active outside the couple, by common agreement.
This does not appear to be the case with lesbian couples. While I know a few sexually active lesbians as well as some who solicit, successfully, straight women, the general pattern is monogamous lesbian pairing.
The common practice in the lesbian community is sequential pairing and nesting with relations that last 3 to 5 years on average. Older lesbians seem to have stable lifetime pairings.
These observations may be limited to what I see in the Bay Area and what I have seen over the past 40 years. They may be far more volatile than they appear to me.