I think it is clear from an interview that justice Ginsburg gave in Cairo on February 1 of this year that she should be tried for impeachment by the Senate.
She made it clear that the US Constitution is an outmoded document that should not be used as the basis for any government being organized or operating today. Her statements were unambiguous.
First I believe this is grounds for impeachment.
But second I believe this ends every argument that anyone has ever made that the Left does not believe in the Constitution. The Left doesn't. What the Left believes in is a contemporary ideological model that is completely independent of the Constitution. The role of a Justice on this court is not to interpret the Constitution but to bring the Constitution up to date in respect to contemporary ideological values.
The statement by a sitting justice, Ginsberg, that confirms this Lefty view is sufficient to end every argument.
I personally believe that Justice Ginsburg is in the thrall of a gigantic bubble of ignorance that has made her completely incapable of understanding the past 60 years. Like most college graduates of the liberal schools and of the liberal persuasion that she had, she has never noticed that most democracies with her revised model of a Constitution are pathetically inferior in freedom and economic prosperity to the United States.
Ginsberg has constitutional views that have nothing to do with most human beings who live in the same country that she does.
I'm grateful for her honesty and I hope it will have the consequences of opening the discussion to both impeachment and public outrage at the Lefty liberal view of America that has been dominant for most of the 20th century.