This is true story.
My friend Jerry owns a manufacturing business in the San Francisco East Bay. He has 15 employees and his business is growing steadily. Jerry sees a grim future here in California with the California political outlook less favorable than Greece.
Already 400,000 Californians have left California in the past decade because of the unfavorable business climate and thousands of businesses have moved to more favorable business friendly states.
Aside from the facts, the Democratic politicians and their sycophants have denied this reality.
Jerry went to Las Vegas to look at factory space. He found buildings at prices where the mortgage would be a fraction of his current rent at a big increase in square footage. He found the labor market to be lower-priced and more reliable. The same is true of all utilities and shipping.
But the part of this story that is most astounding and alarming for the future of California is that the Las Vegas business community brought together 30 people to meet with Jerry. These were people in every relevant business field from taxation to transportation.
Jerry figures that in the first year of being in Las Vegas, he will earn a net hundred thousand dollars more than he does now.
That will justify many airplane trips back to visit his friends and family in California. His partner has agreed to run the business in alternate periods.
For me, this is a living example that Democrats in power can destroy a state and they are.