I struggle these days when ordering a book.
I can get a paper copy or an e-book. The paper copy has the great advantage that I can give it away if I wish to use it as a gift. Also give it away to someone who might like it if I don't.
The e-book version has the advantage that it is light for a book with many pages and I can travel with it. It is not a weight burden.
I struggle with that decision. Not with the decision about price. But I have almost never bought both the paper book and the e-book.
I think it would be a good marketing idea to price paper books and e-books together. If the paper book is $20 and the e-book is $13, the combination could be $26 and I would buy both and the publisher would end up with far more revenue and no greater cost.
How long before someone catches on to this beneficial marketing approach?