For many decades, lefty fundamentalism has been highly predictable to me. The core elements of leftism are anger at the world and a certainty that the experts on the Left can use the government to make appropriate corrections to eliminate the sources that generate anger.
Even before the rote meme of the Left became obvious to me, the predictable nature of New Age spirituality had become equally obvious. Here is a spiritual generic speech I wrote many decades ago. I left that world behind.
I raise both of these issues (Leftism and New Ageism) at this time because I am beginning realize that the conservative intellectual position is slowly becoming predictable to me.
I am not yet ready to described it with the same crude simplicity that I used in the first paragraph to describe lefty fundamentalism.
I expect to be able to come up with some summary statements about the conservative view point in the near future. I no longer read a large number of conservative blogs. I read one or two and occasionally read the geniuses in the field if they are mentioned by others.