The Tesseract is a four dimensional object. The one I'm referring to is in the recent movie hit The Avengers. It is intended to be a source of infinite energy. The script revolves around the availability of unlimited energy for evil use.
We, Americans, were promised our own Tesseract back in the late 1970s when Lawrence Livermore labs was going to make a fusion cell that would provide nearly unlimited cheap energy from hydrogen. Our own Livermore Tesseract was to be delivered before the year 2000 after we paid billions of dollars.
This was not the only miracle we were promised by scientists in the relatively near future. In 1983 we were also promised that there would be a vaccine to prevent HIV AIDS after we paid billions of dollars.
I don't want to be rude to my scientific friends but this blog is written in 2012 and no one has heard a word about our successful fusion based Tesseract. No one has heard much about a successful HIV vaccine except that one is periodically trotted out and tested.
If you wonder why I doubt some of the great claims of science, this is part of the reason. The other part has to do with the incredible silence of the major scientific organizations. Where is the AAAS, where is the National Science Foundation or the National Academy of Sciences when announcements like this are made? The least these organizations can do is to suggest that scientific developments are hard or impossible to predict.