Have you read Edward Bellamy's book Looking Backward 2000-1887?
It was the first semi-rational socialist plea that I read. It was published in 1888. I read it in the mid 1950s.
Bellamy proposed that everything available in the year 1887 be distributed rather fairly among all people. He only meant in the United States. (Socialists always have a selfish problem).
I realized when I read it that that was a viable way for our society to eliminate poverty and create an ad hoc equality. The United States was wealthy enough at that time to accomplish Bellamy's goals. Most people would end up being middle class farmers.
The problem with the Bellamy proposal should be obvious to my readers (but not to the large world of lefty fundamentalists who don't read my blog).
Bellamy's world would have had great equality but it would have been static.
In a real world, made up of Americans, everything would be constantly changing and improving and inequality would automatically follow from the constant change and improvement. Our society is technologically and commercially driven and dynamic. Always a positive sum. Never static.
Moreover, looking at Bellamy's happy world from our vantage point today, it would have nothing appealing to a real modern honest human being. It lacked the medical improvements that we now take as fundamental to civilization and the kind of freedom that we consider fundamental to our lives.
It is rather unfortunate that Lefties, more than anyone, fail to see that the socialist dream without the engine of progress that is America, is still available in Cuba and North Korea. Countries that completely suit the Bellamy ideal.