I have become known to a small group of my friends as ‘the boy who said the King is naked’. I have written numerous blogs that are completely non-PC. This is another.
I want to suggest that the role of women in our society must, to some extent, be considered in the light of menstrual biology.
From menarche to menopause women are affected by a monthly menstrual period. The amount of effect and the intensity involved varies over a wide scale between women and between periods. The effects are caused by hormones. The effects cover a very wide scale of attitudes and behaviors.
Why this is politically unacceptable as a topic of public conversation I do not know.
Here is a long official US government paper on menstruation. Nowhere does it mention the effects on emotion or mental state.
You tell me why. I am not a fool. I have lived with a dozen women. I had a wife who became another person during her monthly periods.
I had a secretary (before it was illegal) who quit her job when she found on my desk calendar my coded message that kept track of her monthly periods.
I knew a judge's court officer in Seattle who put up a sign on her desk once a month to warn litigants that this was a bad time to bother her.
This subject only comes up because I find no one talking about and yet it is a reality of daily life.
It may be possible that the subject is quashed for old sexual moral reasons. It may be that women fear they will not be treated as equals in the workplace because of this issue. I don't believe either of these reasons are adequate to justify the complete suppression of this subject.