I just love the title of this blog.
It makes sense if you know two things. The first is that a core of voters, 40%, are Democrats and will vote for the Democrat party despite having brought us three years of the worst economy since Franklin Roosevelt. To vote for a party whose presidential candidate is egotistical, lacking in any leadership qualities whatsoever, humorless and mean-spirited.... one has to be a Kool-Aid drinker.
The second thing you have to know is the meaning of Kool-Aid drinker. This is an historical reference to Jim Jones, Jonestown and the 1978 suicide of more than 900 followers of Rev. Jones. Jim Jones was a Lefty fundamentalist preacher who persuaded his followers to commit suicide by drinking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide.
The Kool-Aid voters referred to in this blog title are the Democrats who are going to vote a straight party ticket this coming 2012 general election.