My regular blog readers know that I have decided to accept as brothers the self-hating Jews on the Left who are so hostile to Israel. The reason is simple. We have learned in the past 2500 years that when Jews are divided they are easily conquered. That will never happen again. That is why I accept as brothers the Lefty self-hating Jews.
I have even gone further and decided that all Jew-hate can be understood in the same way.
Let us quickly examine what Jew hate is. The Jews, we Jews, are the oldest continuous population line known on the planet. We have maintained the same language and the same practices and the same literature for a period of time that is unimaginable for any other people. Yet, we consist of a tiny percent of the world. Less than 2% of Americans. Less than 0.2% of the population of the developed world.
And yet a Jew-hater will ascribe to us powers and skills that are not available to any people of any population size anywhere on the planet. Not to the brilliant Japanese, not to the Jesuits and not to members of Mensa.
Reading that last paragraph will let you know the conclusion I have come to about Jew haters.
They are mentally deranged. Most Arabs, half the people in Europe and a good chunk of the Lefties in the world are mentally deranged.
There is no other way to explain why people would hold such an absurd paranoid idea.