This is a blog about two subjects.
One is a continuation of my theme about science and modern hysteria about a field that is mostly farce.
Two, is about the inadequacy of journalists. Again, an ongoing theme with me.
The story comes from an article in the Los Angeles Times about the death of a scientist, Sherwood Rowland, who was given credit for having understood the connection between CFC's and holes in the ozone layer. I have no doubt that the factual matter in the story is accurate.
It is also important to know that this research resulted in the complete replacement of every air-conditioning and refrigeration unit on the planet with coolants that have been more expensive and less effective than the original CFCs as a result of Rowland's work. Plus environmental concensus.
It has recently come to light that there are new holes in the ozone layer. In the 1970s the holes were mostly in Antarctica. Now there are fresh holes in the Arctic ozone.
I am sure there are many people who are trying to discover the cause of the new holes. Someday we may know. In the meantime this Arctic story will be suppressed because it inherently conflicts with the environmentalists’ claim that they saved the world by getting rid of CFCs.
The new problem also presents a more serious issue which is that we may have cured a nonexistent problem. Ozone holes may be a natural phenomenon that cure themselves. That rings too close to the truth about climate warming and the hysterical effort to make humans change their behavior in order to cure a natural phenomenon.
My two points are: we may be tempted by environmentalists to cure problems that are not problems on claims about brilliant science that are phony. I suggest that science is itself mostly fiction.
Additionally, a journalist for the reputable LA Times, doesn't bother to hit the Google button and find out the current status of ozone holes. I claim that journalists are generally not very bright, which is the reason they are Lefties and they lack fundamental moral direction and competence.
This LA Times article is my evidence.