Start with the premise that nearly all government is intrusive on individuals and businesses and generally irrelevant or harmful.
That means perfect legislation would diminish the impact of government intrusion. At the present time the California government and the federal government each passes or creates 200 new regulations every year. For all states that number, in a decade, is astronomic.
To me, perfect legislation would make sure that 99% of rules and regulations are un-administratable and 1% might be available for citizens and businesses to use when necessary.
Here is my first piece of legislation:
All businesses, buildings and moving transportation that is open to the public must display all laws, rules and regulations pertinent to that site on a 3' x 6' paper in 11 point type. For moving vehicles the paper must be available in fold-up form.
If the relevant agencies that govern that site cannot fit their rules on the paper, then no prosecution can be brought against citizens or businesses on the invisible rules.
The logic of this legislation is obvious. In a democracy made up of decent citizens and a decent government all legal limitations on an individual or business must be clearly visible to the relevant party at the relevant time. That is at the core of the Miranda Rights which have survived all court tests for 50 years.
This proposed new law clearly supports the Bill of Rights notion of no bill of attainder. You can’t be punished for what you didn’t know.
Can't we have such decent and necessary legislation?