Before 1950 there were some conservative newspapers in the United States. A few of them were in big cities. Since then we have gone 50 years with virtually no conservative or pro-business media. The exception could be the WSJ, but it was poorly managed and focused on non-political issues.
What does it mean for a large segment of the population in the United States to go without any public voice?
It means that we had a Democratic Congress for most of that time. It means that the ideas and values that now constitute the conservative and pro-business politics had to develop on a face-to-face basis. It also developed in the hidden samizat world of private materials passed on from friend to friend.
It has further meant that the increased visibility of the conservative pro-business world has been a great shock to the controlling Lefty elite.
Most significantly it has meant great vitality and coherence for the conservative pro-business worldview.
That coherence emerged in the 2010 congressional elections.
It also means that the Left has continued to live in blind denial as it did for the previous 50 years.
Are you aware of how big and cohesive the Tea Party movement is today and how rapidly Catholics are joining the Tea Party? You are if you follow that world on the Internet. You aren't if you depend on the mainstream media for information.
P.S. Superb commentary on the same subject by another blogger.