A few years I wrote a blog that examined the core values of conservatism which are anti-ideology and pro-emperical. I asked why Zen Buddhism wasn't inherently conservative. In fact most Zen Buddhist communities are pathetic peacenik Lefties.
Once again I have seen a conflict in the core ideas of environmentalists and the behavior of environmentalists.
Environmentalism seeks to preserve the deep diversity of the natural world around us. Every theoretical effort is made to preserve the diversity of habitats, of species and of environmental milieu.
But when we look at the politics of environmentalism it is invariably, in the past 50 years, in the maw of the Democratic party. Somehow the centralization of government and power that are inherent in the ideology of the Democratic party is invisible to the environmental political world.
How can you rail against the mono-cultures of agriculture and vote for the party that subsidizes the mono crops? The environmental movement does that.
How can the environmental movement champion the diversity of life in the oceans and simultaneously support the party that subsidizes ships and ship building and unionized industries that generate the most seagoing pollution?
There seems to be a theoretical conflict in environmental ideas and environmentalists behavior.