The issue about political party deals with one of the most disgusting political behaviors that an American can imagine. The government has stomped on specific individuals for imaginary problems.
This is precisely the reason we have the Bill of Rights. This is precisely the evil that government can generate. To use the power of the government to harass and oppress individuals for abstract, ungrounded and frivolous reasons is among the greatest sins of government.
That is precisely the consequence of a decade long hysteria about steroid use in sports. There is no federal law involving the use of steroids in sports and yet Congress and the Justice Department have mercilessly pursued individuals for their presumed use of steroids.
First, steroids do not move a person from average athlete to superior athlete. Second steroid use is a personal decision that is not illegal. Third, rules of fairness in sports are determined by the leagues for the individual sport association.
Back to my question. The persecution of athletes began in a Republican executive period and a Republican congressional period. The Republican party is supposed to understand the malice of using government power to squash individuals. The Republican Party didn't pay attention to the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. The Democrats never do.
So, who should these victims vote for in the future?