The following blog was originally one of my Monday original ideas that I posted over the past two and half months. But I could not see how certain it was a unique idea to me. The other 11 ideas were byproduct of unique experiences that I had. I was also uniquely able to distill important observations from my experience.
While this seems to me to be an original and important idea, I'm not so confident. Here it is without my certainty that it is my original idea.
For all individuals and peoples, self-defense is the core human right. It underlines and is a priori to all other rights.
This right is not self evident. It is the right that underlies all of the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution, regularly called the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights is a meta-cover for the core right of self-defense. It includes the freedom to act and believe as an individual and seek redress for problems, to keep arms to have privacy rights, to have legal protection against the state in a personal sense and at a governmental level. The Bill of Rights restrains the government and society in which the individual lives.
For all individuals and peoples, self-defense is the core human right. It underlines and is a priori to all other rights.
This right is not self evident. It is the right that underlies all of the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution, regularly called the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights is a meta-cover for the core right of self-defense. It includes the freedom to act and believe as an individual and seek redress for problems, to keep arms to have privacy rights, to have legal protection against the state in a personal sense and at a governmental level. The Bill of Rights restrains the government and society in which the individual lives.
The simplest evidence that this is a core principle is that wives and slaves never had the right to self-defense.
The personal and family right to self-defense is somewhat restrained by the circumstances under which it can be exercised. The intent of the attacker should be clearly evident, the means and opportunity of the attacker should be similarly evident. Self-defense is further moderated by the response of the defendant who should avoid excessive destruction, if possible.
A nation has similar rights and I have written about this here.
The personal and family right to self-defense is somewhat restrained by the circumstances under which it can be exercised. The intent of the attacker should be clearly evident, the means and opportunity of the attacker should be similarly evident. Self-defense is further moderated by the response of the defendant who should avoid excessive destruction, if possible.
A nation has similar rights and I have written about this here.