The object is to pick issues where the professional economics community is likely to be in agreement in order to teach the public the core issues of economics.
This is of importance to me because I spent two years in economics graduate school at UC Berkeley. I know that economists have come to many logical conclusions using the rigorous and mathematical tools of economics. Most of these rigorous conclusions are important in public policy and are badly misunderstood by the public.
People like Paul Krugman do not represent economics they are pure 19th Century lefty ideologues.
The availability of this expert panel, and the decision to emphasize core understandings in the economics profession is an important step forward in the intellectual world.
When I have discussions with ordinary citizens I find they are ignorant of rudimentary economic truths and empirical evidence. For example the gold standard was a mechanism for communicating depressions and recessions throughout the world, but it's worst problem was that discoveries of new gold and exhaustion of old fields resulted in inflation and deflation. There are plenty of Ron Paul supporters who don’t know this.
There are dozens of other issues on which economists agree. Check it out
The availability of this expert panel, and the decision to emphasize core understandings in the economics profession is an important step forward in the intellectual world.
When I have discussions with ordinary citizens I find they are ignorant of rudimentary economic truths and empirical evidence. For example the gold standard was a mechanism for communicating depressions and recessions throughout the world, but it's worst problem was that discoveries of new gold and exhaustion of old fields resulted in inflation and deflation. There are plenty of Ron Paul supporters who don’t know this.
There are dozens of other issues on which economists agree. Check it out