Originally when I did this blog I thought that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's talk about the failure of the American Constitution in Egypt was a niche item. Not true. All the big name talk radio shows covered the subject and demonstrated what a nincompoop she is.
My observations are different than any I have seen. I think she never had an original thought after age 23, she is just like the 99% of people I consider to be zombies. What she didn't learn and it is not taught anywhere, is what makes the US Constitution so superior to all constitutions written since then.
The US Constitution was based on two experiences and three thinkers. The two experiences were several hundred years of British common law, as it had interacted with the British Parliament and the 125 years of the Dutch Republic. The three thinkers were Locke, Hobbes and Adam Smith.
All subsequent constitutions were based on the thinking of left wing incompetents. The most influential incompetent was Jew hating Karl Marx who spent his life in a library in London writing in German. I have pointed out that Jew haters are incompetent thinkers because paranoia destroys their ability to think.
As a consequence the U.S. Constitution was based on substantial human experience and the three greatest thinkers on politics in human history.
Additionally, the wisdom of hundreds of politically astute men added to the Constitution with their demand for the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is probably the most insightful contribution to humanity in the world of politics and personal freedom.
Ruth Ginsburg fails to understand or even recognize that significance. It is hard to blame that pathetic cripple. Nobody has been teaching this subject the way I described it and her mind stopped working when she was 23 and locked into outmoded Lefty ideology.
My observations are different than any I have seen. I think she never had an original thought after age 23, she is just like the 99% of people I consider to be zombies. What she didn't learn and it is not taught anywhere, is what makes the US Constitution so superior to all constitutions written since then.
All subsequent constitutions were based on the thinking of left wing incompetents. The most influential incompetent was Jew hating Karl Marx who spent his life in a library in London writing in German. I have pointed out that Jew haters are incompetent thinkers because paranoia destroys their ability to think.
As a consequence the U.S. Constitution was based on substantial human experience and the three greatest thinkers on politics in human history.
Additionally, the wisdom of hundreds of politically astute men added to the Constitution with their demand for the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is probably the most insightful contribution to humanity in the world of politics and personal freedom.
Ruth Ginsburg fails to understand or even recognize that significance. It is hard to blame that pathetic cripple. Nobody has been teaching this subject the way I described it and her mind stopped working when she was 23 and locked into outmoded Lefty ideology.