I am grateful to Duane Lesterfor putting together a list of all the accusations of racism leveled at critics of Pres. Obama by prominent black figures and black organizations.
Virtually no word or phrase of criticism of an incompetent, self-centered, mean president seems to go without accusing the critic of racism.
What does this mean?
It means two things to me.
First, it means that the Left that levels this charge and the media that convey it are the most racist bigots in America. Accusing someone falsely of racism is a disgraceful behavior and characteristic of the Left.
Second, it shows that a black president has brought out the most divisive racial elements in America. I am fully aware of the racism that was Jim Crow. I lived in Jim Crow country. But to suggest that that level of racism is current in our society indicates that the racial issue has been made worse by the election of a black president.
To understand my point, imagine a Muslim were elected president and every critic of the president was charged with anti-Islamic sentiment. The entire country would recognize that this divisiveness was dangerous and harmful.
That is precisely what the black president has created. He has done absolutely nothing to discourage it and everything to encourage it. He himself has let staff people around him use accusations of racism. He accused a Harvard professor of racism based on flimsy evidence. This man is a provocateur in the racial issue as well as the class war issue.
He is divisive in the extreme.