Jim Jones was the radical lefty Minister who took 900 parishioners to their suicidal death with him.
I knew Jim and I followed his escapades for four or five years in San Francisco from the time he arrived until he left for Guyana.
The connection between the Occupy movement and Jim Jones is so strong, so blatant and so obvious that every Lefty will deny it.
Jim Jones was the darling of the elected San Francisco political elite. They adored him. He was an outspoken lefty with a 5000 person devoted following who would vote exactly as Jim direct them to. Jim was appointed to two commissions and the belle of the ball wherever he went.
Every single Democratic leader in America, no exceptions, sang praises and hallelujahs to the Occupy movement everywhere it sprung up. They broke the law about camping in city parks and no Democrat in America suggested that they be moved. They were filthy and poorly behaved but they seem to fulfill the wet dreams of every political lefty. They had no agenda but anger.
This says to me that the Left now and in the past has absolutely no new, valuable or desirable policy perspectives for the world. Democrats cling to anything that appears to appeal to Lefty angst.