The people in the Lefty world place equality higher than people in the non-lefty world.
We in commerce couldn't possibly elevate equality to a high status because any meritocratic system (commerce) will result in unequal outcomes.
Most defenders of unequal outcomes are not successful because the greed and envy of Lefties is not subject to understanding systemic benefits of a meritocracy.
I wish to suggest the opposite. Any Lefty can understand this if they have even the rudiments of sympathy for their fellow human beings.
My example comes from the emergency rooms. It is axiomatic that everyone coming into an emergency room should be given equal access to medical treatment. I do not dispute this.
What I see coming out of the equality paradigm of the emergency room is a lesson for Lefties. First, emergency rooms are forced to put priority on a filthy street drunk who comes in first with stroke symptoms over a pregnant woman who is bleeding in a vulnerable region. The drunk will be in a week later for another self-induced medical problem.
Second, the turnover among nurses and doctors dealing with ER is very high because it is very unpleasant to deal with the horrible mess of filthy street drunks.
Lastly, since the bottom class of our society has almost zero chance of making improvements in their lives or making subsequent positive contributions to society it is disturbing to force so much valuable resources on them.
The ER must operate on the basis of equality but it does not generate support for the idea that the larger society should use equality as a central principle.