I love the fact that these two acronyms can both be Googled. SOTU is the state of the union and SCOTUS is the Supreme Court.
I was googling this subject because president Obama deliberately and consciously insulted the Supreme Court in his 2010 state of the union address. He made false and dishonest statements about the Citizens United court decision.
At the time I was particularly offended because it was rude and showed a president who was insensitive to the design of the US Constitution and the debates about its creation as well as the 200 year history of our country.
As it turns out, the Chief Justice and the most important swing justice continued to attend the SOTU in 2011 and 2012. These men are obviously of greater character and historical importance than our rude, childish president.
From reading this Wall StreetJournal article it is clear that in 2010 the Court was trying to create a new pattern of good attendance at SOTU. That attempt at creating a new relationship with the Congress and executive branch was aborted by president Obama.
There is nothing much I can say on this subject other than my feelings that Americans would benefit by understanding the relationship between the three branches of government and our constitutional genius. President Obama is doing enormous damage to our country and this is relatively minor.
I was googling this subject because president Obama deliberately and consciously insulted the Supreme Court in his 2010 state of the union address. He made false and dishonest statements about the Citizens United court decision.
At the time I was particularly offended because it was rude and showed a president who was insensitive to the design of the US Constitution and the debates about its creation as well as the 200 year history of our country.
As it turns out, the Chief Justice and the most important swing justice continued to attend the SOTU in 2011 and 2012. These men are obviously of greater character and historical importance than our rude, childish president.
From reading this Wall StreetJournal article it is clear that in 2010 the Court was trying to create a new pattern of good attendance at SOTU. That attempt at creating a new relationship with the Congress and executive branch was aborted by president Obama.
There is nothing much I can say on this subject other than my feelings that Americans would benefit by understanding the relationship between the three branches of government and our constitutional genius. President Obama is doing enormous damage to our country and this is relatively minor.