For each of 12 Mondays from November through January I am summarizing one of my original ideas.
11. Commerce has a direction. Commerce promotes individualism and maximizes each individual's unique talents.
I come to this conclusion by simply looking at the social environments that generate commerce. These environments have very distinct characteristics. The first is that commerce thrives in the society with the greatest social diversity. That means an immigrant society and an urban area.
Commerce thrives on meritocracy and honesty. Societies that reward meritocracy and honesty in the social milieu, ignoring or over riding class and social structure, are the ones that have long-term thriving commerce.
While many societies love technology and some favor open markets, these two propensities in the population can drive significant commercial vigor.
I have a book on this subject: Commerce.($2.00)
It is my unique understanding of commerce that allows me to see that commerce promotes individual authenticity. A society that promotes individualism, recognition of individual merit and freedom of individuals to develop their own authentic qualities is the society that will thrive and support commerce energetically.