I wrote a blog many years ago about the elephant God Ganesh.
Since I have been thinking about the creation of new businesses I am reminded that the new business start up people I dealt with in India felt that the appropriate God for new businesses was Ganesh, the God of improvement. Improvement?
In India, the core worldview is of recycling life again and again in perpetual cycles.
In our European tradition, the past was an elevated period, the present is a diminished and declining era. In Europe the peak of civilization was 1914.
I have identified boundless optimism as a key ingredient in new business startups. I realize that the Indian improvement is somewhat similar to the American boundless optimism.
But in fact it is not. Boundless optimism projects a significant improvement in life in coming decades. Improvement only suggests that the current cycle may end up at a higher point than earlier cycles.
I am renewed in my view and my experience that boundless optimism is a key ingredient that makes American and Israeli startups so unique.
Since I have been thinking about the creation of new businesses I am reminded that the new business start up people I dealt with in India felt that the appropriate God for new businesses was Ganesh, the God of improvement. Improvement?
In India, the core worldview is of recycling life again and again in perpetual cycles.
In our European tradition, the past was an elevated period, the present is a diminished and declining era. In Europe the peak of civilization was 1914.
I have identified boundless optimism as a key ingredient in new business startups. I realize that the Indian improvement is somewhat similar to the American boundless optimism.
But in fact it is not. Boundless optimism projects a significant improvement in life in coming decades. Improvement only suggests that the current cycle may end up at a higher point than earlier cycles.
I am renewed in my view and my experience that boundless optimism is a key ingredient that makes American and Israeli startups so unique.