I have been wrong a few times over my decade of blogging, but I have been right so often, maybe a ratio of 10 to 1, that I am often too humble to mention it.
Let’s begin before the blog. I was among the first people on the planet to realize in the early 90’s that the population explosion was over. I threw a party to celebrate it. I discovered this because I was carefully analyzing population data.
The same is true for anthropogenic global warming. I quickly noticed that the data I put on my website was slowly differing from the source at East Anglia. So I blew the whistle on the dishonesty in the data collection.
The massive stimulus by Pelosi et al was easy to see as a repudiation of Keynes. I found this when I analyzed the stimulus money given to San Francisco and determined that it had a multiplier of roughly .25. That meant that stimulus money actually depressed the economy. Keynes believed the multiplier was between two and four.
I have never believed in peak oil, and was among the first bloggers to welcome the world of fracking and natural gas.
Green jobs have been a farce for me for decades based on my hippie experience.
Obama has been a horrible failure in the Middle East. This point was recorded by me many times. His failures range from his own Jew hate and ignorance of the history of Jews in Jerusalem to his fundamental failure to understand the role of Jew hate in the Middle East as a tool of Arab paranoia. He has a complete failure to understand the democratic role of Iraq in the Middle East. Most of all he fails to understand the historic incompetence of the State Department in dealing with Arabs and Persians.
Obama has tried every euphemism to obscure the long-term problems we will have with Islam and Arabs. I have been commenting on this all along.
My blog for many months was hitting on the theme that the 2008 financial collapse was caused by a combination of government guarantees on mortgages and banks. all of a sudden, being forced to treat assets on a mark to market basis. Many people are beginning to see this. They still don’t see that future protection from financial collapse must be a separation of the world of finance from commerce with an FLIC, an anti-loan calling program.
There are many other areas, including the failure of the EU, where I have been right but it is boring for my readers to listen to this crap go on and on.
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