If those last three elements sound like modern unions, it is not an accident.
To be a member of the union you must give up your individuality (or pretend that you have given it up until your retirement) because unions are inherently opposed to meritocracy. Meritocracy is nothing more than recognition of individual uniqueness and accomplishment.
To be a union member you therefore become a zombie. Unions are creating zombies by always pushing for their goals of membership seniority and union power. Unions always choose to fire the most recent hires rather than lower wages among existing members.
Zombie like perserverance too: As evidenced in Wisconsin and two other states. Unions will never give up no matter how serious the defeat in an election. Like zombies coming back again and again using their members money.
Government unions that give themselves far higher wages and benefits than non-government workers are even more extreme.
They don't understand. Like zombies unions absolutely fail to understand why taxpayers might object to this use of tax money to support a non-meritocratic system that pays more to bureaucrats than taxpayers earn.
This is an era in which zombie movies are thriving. I hope the day will come when zombie movies are not so frightening. And when they aren't such a realistic representation of the world we live in.