After World War II, the United States imposed parliamentary governments on Japan and Germany. In both cases we also imposed a constitution.
These two creations of government were the work of the liberals of that day. I went to university in that era and listened to Herman Finer lecture on the superiority of a parliamentary system. I was completely absorbed in his arguments. I did not see the light of alternative day for another five years.
The simple fact is that our American system with three separate functions and the Constitution with ammendments is superior to parliamentary systems.
This is evident in Japan and Israel where parliamentary instability is distressingly the cause of governmental volatility. In neither of these countries nor in England or Germany is the public offered the unifying power of a president elected directly (please ignore the current president, so full of hate and venom, that he promotes class warfare).
The United States has the unique benefit of extreme long-term governmental stability because of the checks and balances ( sometimes called 'deadlock') provided by two houses of Congress and a separately elected president.
The existence of a genuine Supreme Court and Constitution also create a unique protection of democratic values that is vested in stasis dare. The real power of such a constitution that explicates the defense of citizens is in the Bill of Rights and its amendments that play an additional unifying social role ( similar to the 10 Commandments and Torah for the 2500 year old success of Jewry ).
I know that a representative House will someday be created by random selection of members. The American model offers the unique advantage that the lower house will some day be the entity that will be reformed and will truly represent the people.
It is time for all of us to celebrate the fact that America is the best of all governments. Despite the fact that governments are the weakest creation of human beings especially in comparison to the world of commerce that we have also created.
These two creations of government were the work of the liberals of that day. I went to university in that era and listened to Herman Finer lecture on the superiority of a parliamentary system. I was completely absorbed in his arguments. I did not see the light of alternative day for another five years.
The simple fact is that our American system with three separate functions and the Constitution with ammendments is superior to parliamentary systems.
This is evident in Japan and Israel where parliamentary instability is distressingly the cause of governmental volatility. In neither of these countries nor in England or Germany is the public offered the unifying power of a president elected directly (please ignore the current president, so full of hate and venom, that he promotes class warfare).
The United States has the unique benefit of extreme long-term governmental stability because of the checks and balances ( sometimes called 'deadlock') provided by two houses of Congress and a separately elected president.
The existence of a genuine Supreme Court and Constitution also create a unique protection of democratic values that is vested in stasis dare. The real power of such a constitution that explicates the defense of citizens is in the Bill of Rights and its amendments that play an additional unifying social role ( similar to the 10 Commandments and Torah for the 2500 year old success of Jewry ).
I know that a representative House will someday be created by random selection of members. The American model offers the unique advantage that the lower house will some day be the entity that will be reformed and will truly represent the people.
It is time for all of us to celebrate the fact that America is the best of all governments. Despite the fact that governments are the weakest creation of human beings especially in comparison to the world of commerce that we have also created.