I have been listening to the US president and the White House regularly decrying the refusal of Tea Party members of Congress to accept tax increases.
The White House party line is that the members of Congress are uncooperative, highly partisan, children who are unwilling to consider compromise in the interests of the country.
Since the Tea Party members were elected to shrink government and not raise taxes there is no reason for the vitriolic White House language. Except to blame others for their incompetence.
That is the reason for my blog title. What we have is a car driving into a tree and the driver of the car ( Democrats) blaming the tree.
The White House party line is that the members of Congress are uncooperative, highly partisan, children who are unwilling to consider compromise in the interests of the country.
Since the Tea Party members were elected to shrink government and not raise taxes there is no reason for the vitriolic White House language. Except to blame others for their incompetence.
That is the reason for my blog title. What we have is a car driving into a tree and the driver of the car ( Democrats) blaming the tree.