It is rare for a black person to wish ill upon other blacks. Many blacks would be happy to assimilate if their skin color were lighter. The most prominent such person was Michael Jackson.
The reason I bring it up is because a simple analogy can explain why there are millions of self hating Jews, nearly all are affiliated with the Reform Jewish movement or not affiliated at all, and few such blacks.
Picture the following conversation in 1920: ‘We colored folk are the ones who are provoking good Southerners into joining the Ku Klux Klan. We should change our behavior and the Klan will leave us alone.’
What blacks would have to do to get the KKK to leave them alone would be for men walking on the street to look down when whites pass, for black men to never look at or associate with white women and for black women to be sexually subservient to white men.
You can see why there are very few self hating blacks. They clearly understand that accommodating white racism would accomplish nothing.
Jews on the other hand have many self hating coeval’s because they have a naïve view that all people are good at heart. Therefore the only reason Arabs hate Jews so much and have spent a century trying to kill them all is obviously because the Jews won’t change their behavior to accommodate Arabs.