Today I began the morning depressed. I listened to the following excerpt of the Bibi speech at the UN.
I was reminded that we live in the Fourth Reich. An entire world organization and most of Europe is determined to wipe we remaining Jews off the map. This movement includes much of Latin America.
In San Francisco more than three quarters of the population are anti-commerce and openly spout their hatred of Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Wall Street etc. It is no joke when I say San Francisco has seven lovely hills and one mountain of hate.
I do not conflate Jew hate and anti-commerce carelessly. They grow out of the same soil.
Little or none of this will change in my remaining life time.
However, as the photo in this blog shows, I went to IKEA in the afternoon. The people in the Emeryville IKEA rarely speak English. They are the diversity that makes America so exceptional and great. They are happily shopping and enjoying life. Most would rather die than give up modern commerce....... if they could see that they were making such a choice.
I am reminded that we will win. Pro-commerce will prevail. It is impossible to stamp out the love of commerce. In just the last 25 years most of the world, India and China, have joined the realm of pro commerce. I am further reminded that our president who is vehemently anti-commerce was never able to pass any global warming legislation nor any tax increases.
The people who were merrily shopping at IKEA, fulfilling their dreams, designing their own lives with Swedish-Chinese goods and finding happiness in commerce are my hope.