If you want to be disgusted, read the Wikipedia entry on Paul Revere which is thoroughly footnoted. Then read the Google entries about Sarah Palin’s comments on Paul Revere’s ride.
The vast media, with virtually no exceptions, doesn’t know their American history at all. Even worse, historians didn’t step forward to correct the media. That is a disgraceful statement about historians.
Sarah Palin was entirely right, in every word, and wouldn’t back down. Paul Revere was captured and interrogated on his midnight ride. He said to the British Army just what Sarah claimed: the rebels were well armed, could not be disarmed, and would win.
Of course, as I have pointed out in an earlier blog the people who make up the media are a self-selected group of immoral leftists who would never think of correcting their own slanderous, defamatory, and caluminous attacks on Sarah Palin.
America's greatest historian wrote a book on Paul Revere's Ride (David Hackett Fischer).