There are several areas of cancer treatment that have resulted in stunning recent breakthroughs.
The first is the development of medicines that attack estrogen positive breast cancer cells. If caught and treated in the early stages of post menopausal breast cancer, survival rates are near 100%.
The second development has been childhood leukemia. Just in the past few years the ability to destroy cancerous cells in the bones and replace the marrow successfully has meant survival for virtually all cases. The opposite was true only a few years ago.
Off the track. I see television commercials for St. Jude’s Hospital on this subject and these people claim success in childhood leukemia. The St. Jude people have nothing whatsoever to do with the radical improvement in this treatment. They are parasites, frauds and have been frauds for decades.
The third development which is very recent and not confirmed by doctors who I know personally, is prostate cancer. According to articles I have read the use of targeted radiation has resulted in successful treatment for prostate cancer. Successful treatment means, for me, survival without incontinence and survival with sexual functions intact.
Truly three miracles we can all be grateful for. Our gratitude should be directed at the world of commerce that makes these developments possible. The developments did not come from Cuba, North Korea, Iran or Mexico.