Three states are raising taxes and already have high taxes; California, Illinois and New York. Three states have lower taxes. Texas, Georgia and Florida and are very pro-business.
The former three are not growing at all, based on the latest census, the latter three are growing rapidly. In the growth states business has been moving in, generating wealth and attracting population.
Somehow Democrats as people and as elected representatives are incapable of understanding or believing that taxes can attract business or drive it away.
Part of this Democrat blindness has to do with an ignorance of profit. The left thinks profit is exploitation, extraction and just plain dirty. The rest of us know the profits are simply a measure of successful cost reduction, market expansion and customer satisfaction.
It may take a long time before people in California, Illinois and New York wallow in their declining job opportunity, declining prosperity and general dystopia.
But we have the wonderful quality of Darwinian evolution to assure us that the Democratic states will empty out while the Republican pro-business states expand and grow vigorously.