* The first piece of irrelevance comes from my regular travels to Japan and Israel. In both countries a woman can walk the streets on a dark night and feel safe. The murder rates are very low in both countries which is usually a reliable measure of basic crime since murder nearly always gets reported.
San Francisco had an annual
murder rate as high as 112 murders at the peak in 1991, today it is back
where it was in the early 1960’s around 65. If San Francisco had the
Israeli murder rate only 18 people would die. If it had the Japanese
rate only 9 people would be murdered.
I don’t rest my case. The question now is how could a Woody schlemiel
have emerged with such visibility in the modern world. This interview
with him in the NYTimes explains it.
The man is a fool, with no introspective skills, no self-honesty and no reasoning ability. He thinks New Age fortune telling (think Mia Farrow) is identical to serious religious practices. He thinks aging has no benefits for anyone in terms of reflection, perception or moderation. He is obviously looking at himself. The cost of making movies in New York is not too high, he just doesn’t have the money (I’m serious... he said that). Based on outrageous French press reporting about a film he made, he wonders out loud if the major mainstream media may sometimes miss reporting serious matters.
He is the perfect Jew for the celebrity world. Old World cowardice, New Age stupidity.
(Photo: my favorite Tel Aviv beach swim site)