I have a responsibility as an intellectual and as the author of this blog (which is read by many of the smartest people in the English speaking world) to do a better job of analyzing the nature of the president’s derangement.
The first man to take on this intellectual responsibility has been Dinesh D’Souza. The first article of intellectual analysis is appropriately in Forbes. The prime question to be answered: ‘Is why Obama hates business so much and so deeply?’
D’Souza has a great advantage in this venture. He recognized that his older peers in India held the same worldview that Obama’s father held. They were anti-British anti-colonialists.
Obama titled his first book Dreams FROM My Father. The ‘from’ is significant as D’Souza points out. Obama worshiped his father who was an anti-colonial socialist with the standard 1950’s Kenyan black zero-sum worldview that the West was only richer and more successful because it exploited the poor in the third world. Obama jr. clearly still believes that and acts on it as the first American president who is anti-American. (His father was also a drunk and a murderer.)
I like D’Souza’s argument. It is the beginning of a genuine and much needed intellectual analysis of a weird man. A weird man who became president, first by manipulating a non-democratic (he only used caucuses, not election primaries) procedure to win the Democratic Party nomination, then moved from far behind his Republican opponent to win after the mid-summer 2008 stock market crash that wiped out 40% of the savings of nearly all Americans.