In the early 1980s I was a celebrity in Sweden for creating the program that generated over 4,000 new businesses. I was given an honorary dinner and seated next to the woman who was head of Swedish education. She asked me for my comments on education.
I said that education had failed me. Every year from age 9 to 12, I was told that my questions would be answered in school in the next grade. They never were.
I had two questions: 'what is sex?' and 'why are people so mean to each other?'
I've recently come up with an answer that would satisfy a young person on the first question and it would be accurate:
'Sex begins with you. You must first be able to satisfy your own sexual desires by yourself. For the rest of your life you will be able to explore how to have other people join you in your self satisfaction. Most often by helping them to satisfy themselves'.
The woman sitting next to meet in Sweden turned to the person on her other side to continue the dinner conversation.