It is a very common trope of aspiring literary Lefties to raise the question of why poor people don't always vote for Lefties... the demented thesis being that the Left always acts most in favor of the poor people's interests.
It is always a great pleasure for me to point out the absurdity of this Lefty nonsense.
The most recent example of the Left attacking the well being of poor people concerns lead in toys. A Democrat Congress passed a law last year requiring all stores selling second hand toys to test the toys for lead content.
Considering the pricing of second hand toys, usually under a dollar and rarely over $3 it is not possible to test the toys for lead.
Consequence: in my area, second hand stores no longer carry toys. It is standard 'screw the poor people and their children'... every day logic for the Left.
The problem for me is that I think one of the reasons for demented teenagers, particularly black boys, is the total absence of stimulus they experience as infants and children. So in my mind the mindless Left is creating more future criminals by keeping poor people from having more toys.
Also this is an insane issue. The problem of lead levels in blood has never been serious, but the trivial level we had to begin with has been declining at very rapid rates for decades and is now approaching 0%. It is now unmeasurable.
Oh God, please save us from the enviros and the Lefty do gooders.