is one of the most useful maps I have seen. Where are people moving in
the United States and roughly who are they? This interactive map was
apparently produced by the IRS or from IRS data.
Right off the bat, you can see that well to do New Yorkers and New Englanders are still moving to Southern Florida, Dade County. At the same time, because the job market is so bleak in Florida, the young people are fleeing to everywhere else in the U.S., mostly, not to big cities.
There is a similar pattern in Southern California and Las Vegas. People moving in for retirement and management jobs while younger people are fleeing in much larger numbers for the hinterlands because jobs have disappeared ... they are going everywhere but not big cities.
The most interesting pattern I see is newly educated Ivy Leaguers migrating from the upper East Coast to San Francisco and the S.F. peninsula for Internet and computer jobs. The people who are leaving are going to second tier Internet and computer jobs in Seattle, Boulder, Atlanta and Houston-Dallas.
A careful look at incoming migrants to Reno and Las Vegas show that wealthy people are leaving California to escape high personal income taxes. The Democratic California legislature will ignore that migration at all of our peril. A fellow I met is buying condos between the University and the Reno airport and reselling them to escaped high income Californians who want to get Utah residency.
Right off the bat, you can see that well to do New Yorkers and New Englanders are still moving to Southern Florida, Dade County. At the same time, because the job market is so bleak in Florida, the young people are fleeing to everywhere else in the U.S., mostly, not to big cities.
There is a similar pattern in Southern California and Las Vegas. People moving in for retirement and management jobs while younger people are fleeing in much larger numbers for the hinterlands because jobs have disappeared ... they are going everywhere but not big cities.
The most interesting pattern I see is newly educated Ivy Leaguers migrating from the upper East Coast to San Francisco and the S.F. peninsula for Internet and computer jobs. The people who are leaving are going to second tier Internet and computer jobs in Seattle, Boulder, Atlanta and Houston-Dallas.
A careful look at incoming migrants to Reno and Las Vegas show that wealthy people are leaving California to escape high personal income taxes. The Democratic California legislature will ignore that migration at all of our peril. A fellow I met is buying condos between the University and the Reno airport and reselling them to escaped high income Californians who want to get Utah residency.